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1.) Intime Stunden auf der Schulbank, West Germany 1981, directed by Kenneth Howard (= Jürgen Enz), starring Christa Ludwig, Christine Krenner, Peter Steiner, Ralph Wieck, Margitta Hofer, Peter Steiner jr, Carola Seidl (= Carola Reyen), Eleonore Melzer, Mandy Atighi, Angelika Reschner, Franjo Marincic, Biggi Stenzhorn, Lucilla Baroni, Evelyn Pascal, Beatrice Paulik, Mario Pollak
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Robots and rats,
demons and potholes, cuddly toys and shopping mall Santas,
love and death and everything in between,
Tales to Chill Your Bones to is all of that.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to -
a collection of short stories and mini-plays ranging from the horrific to the darkly humourous,
from the post-apocalyptic to the weirdly romantic,
tales that will give you a chill and maybe a chuckle,
all thought up by the twisted mind of screenwriter and film reviewer Michael Haberfelner.
Tales to Chill Your Bones to
the new anthology by Michael Haberfelner
Out now from Amazon!!! |